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Dinkel stones have been placed at five locations in the municipality of Dinkelland. The last stone was recently placed in the Dalenhoek (Lattrop-Breklenkamp) in combination with nature restoration. In this project, the municipality of Dinkelland, Waterschap Vechtstromen and Natuurmonumenten cooperated in a unique way.


The five Dinkel stones in Dinkelland are located at the Singraven, at visitor centre Natura Docet Wonderryck Twente, at the Schuivenhuisje, at Cosmos Observatory and thus at the border crossing Dalenhoek.


The Dinkel Stone Route is a tourist route with a total of 26 sandstone works of art. The route starts in Epe (municipality of Gronau) and ends in Stadt Neuenhaus where the Dinkel flows into the Vecht. Dinkel stones are connected by a cycling and walking route. The route runs along the Dinkel through the municipalities of Gronau, Losser, Dinkelland and Stadt Neuenhaus. A special route booklet is in preparation and will be available in June at the Twente Tourist Information Points (formerly VVV) in the area.


From the hotel, it is just a 20-minute walk. The silence here is deafening. All you hear is the water, the birds, and the wind.


There are also some very special birds to spot. Even the kingfisher can be seen if you are lucky!

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